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The FIRST VW Beetle was parked in the Bathory Pictures Airbrush Studio in 2013. The design concept was a single classic "Herbie style" from the well- known film, 'The Love Bug'. During the prepare works the artistic-fantasy couldn't stop. The Porsche-engine tuninged Beetle has became one of the most liked Beetle at the world with hundred thousand of likes and shares at the internet. SO MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE! :-)




Later on, the project has been expanded.  My client catched two other Beetles. It was the time of borning of 'Herbie's Trilogy' . It means  three airbrushed cars in three different styles including the memorable motives from the classic Bug.  Typical Herbie stripes and numbers with custom buzz.    In 2014, the SECOND  Bug has became the 'no love no shine' version of Herbies. It reborned in military style as the Predator of the Trilogy.

The THIRD of trilogy is under processing...and as the last may the greatest challenge : The design is step by step introducing us the history of VW Beetle from the first producing at the world until now in a kind of magazine-picture style which are selected from original magazines from the old-times with period slogans.



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